Λεξικό Γεωργακά
Ελληνο-αγγλικό λεξικό Γεωργακά
General Abbreviations
A. Graphic Signs
- Superscript numeral follows homonymous words as exponent, e.g. ακαμάτης (adjective), ακαμάτης2 (noun).
- [Brackets] include the pronunciation of the basic entry word form.
- Vertical lines | separate quotations. Double vertical lines || separate major groupings of examples or special expressions.
- Vertical line ı (below the text line) indicates the separation of poetic lines (verses), while double lines װ indicate the separation of stanzas.
- Numbers or letters encircled (A), (B), (1), (2), (a), (b), (α), (β) etc. indicate bold face characters used for sections of articles and of meanings and submeanings.
- The sign ~ represents the entryword in its basic form used as the entry (especially in adverbs) or the just preceding form in the text of the article.
- The double (~~) or even triple (~~~) means that as many words are repeated as in the entryword.
- Dash - before endings or terminations, e.g. -ος, -η, -ότερος, etc.
- Dashes in examples may represent the practice of the author concerning change of speaker in dialogue and occasionally in place of parentheses.
- Two points .. represent omission of part of the text of whatever length in long quotations.
- The arrows → and ← are used in the etymological part to indicate changed to (→) and derived from (←).
- & is used as abbreviation of and in the opening part on the forms of the entry and in the etymological part.
- $ means dollar(s); £ pound(s); dr(s) drachma(s).
- a. The initial letter of the first word in quotations is not capitalized.
- b. No capitalizing of adjectives derived from place names (areas, countries, cities). These are usually not capitalized in Modern Greek, e.g. αθηναϊκός, ανατολίτικος, βαλκανικός, κρητικός, κυκλαδίτικος, κυπριακός, μακεδονικός, μοραΐτικος, πελοποννησιακός, ρουμελιώτικος, etc., whereas the place names themselves and patrial names are capitalized, e.g. Aνατολή & Aνατολίτης, Aθήνα & Aθηναίος, Bαλκάνια, Kρήτη, etc.
- Numbers in translations are mostly written in symbols (100, 235, etc.) instead of in words numbers with verb forms, e.g. 2sg = second person singular.
- The sign § represents paragraph and the double §§ represents paragraphs.
B. Terms
abbr = abbreviation, abbreviated |
abs = absolutely (used) |
acc = accusative |
account. = accounting |
act. = active voice, as active |
AD = A.D., anno Domini, of our era |
adj = adjective, adjectival |
adjs = adjectives |
adv = adverb, adverbial(ly) |
affirm. = affirmative |
AG = Ancient Greek |
agric = agriculture, farming |
Alb = Albanian |
Am = American (English) |
anal. = analogy, analogical(ly) |
anat = anatomy |
anc = ancient |
anchist = ancient history |
andronym= andronymic (designating the wife of so-and-so) |
Anglican Ch = Anglican Church |
ant = antonym(s) |
Anth. = Anthology |
anthrop = anthropology |
antimetath = antimetathesis |
antiphr = antiphrasis, antiphrastic(ally) |
anyth = anything |
aor = aorist (tense) |
appos = apposition, -tive(ly) |
Arab = Arabic |
Aram = Aramaic |
arche. = archeology |
archit = architecture |
arithm = arithmetic |
Arom = Aromunian |
art. = article |
artill. = artillery |
assim = assimilation; assimilatory; assimilated |
astr = astronomy |
athl = athletics |
Attic inscr. = Attic inscriptions |
augmentat. = augmentative |
aviat = aviation |
backform. = backformation |
BC = B.C., before Christ |
bes = besides |
betw = between |
Bibl = Biblical |
bindery = book bindery |
biol = biology |
Br = British (English) |
bot = botany, botanic |
build. = building (industry) |
Bulg = Bulgarian |
bureaucr = bureaucratese |
ByzG = Byzantine Greek |
C = comparative (degree of adjective & adverb) |
c. = century |
ca = circa |
cap = capital |
Cappad = Cappadocian |
car = car, automobile |
cards = cards, card games, playing of card games |
Cath = Catholic |
CathCh = Catholic Church |
cf = confer, compare |
chem = chemistry |
chess = chess (game) |
ChristChurch = Christian Church |
Christ rel = Christian religion |
classmyth = classical mythology |
cloth. = clothing |
CModG = Common Modern Greek |
collect. = collective (e.g. collect. suffix, collect. noun), collectively |
colloq = colloquial |
comm = common |
complem = complementary (e.g. clause) |
computertechnol. = computer technology |
conj = conjunction |
cons = consonant |
cook. = cooking, cookery |
cosmetol = cosmetology |
cpd = compound(ed) |
cpds = compounds |
Cret = Cretan |
Cypr = Cyprian |
D = demotic |
dat. = dativ (case) |
dent. = dentistry, dental (term) |
depon. = deponent |
der = derived; derivative |
derivs = derivatives |
dermatol = dermatology |
derog = derogatory, -rily |
deverb = deverbative |
dial = dialectal(ly); dialect |
dials = dialects |
dimin = diminutive |
diplom = diplomacy; diplomatic |
dir obj = direct object |
dissim = dissimilation; dissimilatory |
E = East |
eccl= ecclesiastical |
econ = economy |
ed.= edition |
educ = education |
e.g. = exempli gratia, for instance |
electr = electric, -al; electricity |
electron. comm = electronic communication |
emphat = emphatic(ally) |
endear. = endearing(ly) |
Eng = English |
engineer. = engineering |
engrav. = engraving |
entom = entomology |
ep = eparchia (administrative subdivision) |
equiv = equivalent |
esp = especially |
etc = et cetera |
euphem = euphemistic(ally) |
Europ. = Europe |
exch = exchange |
excl = exclamation |
f = feminine (gender) |
fig = figurative(ly) |
fish. = fishing |
FN = family name |
folket =folketymology, -ical |
folkl = folklanguage |
folks. = folksong |
folkt = folktale |
form. = formation |
fr = from |
Fr = French |
freq = frequent(ly) |
garden = gardening |
gen = genitive (case) |
geogr = geography; geographic |
geol = geology |
geophys = geophysics |
Germ = German |
glassind = glass industry |
gloss = gloss, glossary, glossaria |
GN = geographic name |
gnom = gnomic |
govt = government |
Gr = Greek |
gramm = grammar, grammatical |
GrOrthodCh = Greek Orthodox Church |
gym = gymnastics, games |
haplol =haplology |
Hebr = Hebrew |
her = heraldic |
hist = history, -ically; historical term |
home econ = home economics |
hypostascpd = hypostasized compound |
ib = ibidem |
ichth = ichthyology |
id. or idem = idem, same author |
idiom = idiom, idiomatic(ally) |
idiom phr = idiomatic phrase |
IE = Indo-European |
i.e. = id est, that is |
imper = imperative (mood) |
impers = impersonal |
impfor ipf = imperfect (tense) |
indecl = indeclinable |
indic = indicative |
inf = infinitive |
infreq = infrequent(ly) |
inhab = inhabitant |
init = initial |
inscr = inscription |
interj = interjection |
intern. comb. eng. = internal combusion engine |
interr. = interrogative |
intr = intransitive (verb) |
Ion = Ionic |
IonIsl = Ionian Islands |
iron. = ironically |
ISV = International Scientific Vocabulary |
It = Italian |
journ = journalism |
K = Koine (Greek) |
κ. = κάποιον (acc sg m) |
kath = Katharevousa |
κλ = και λοιπά, etc. |
L = Learned (from Ancient Greek, Koine, Byzantine Greek, Ecclesiastical etc. or Kath) |
l. = line (or verse) |
ll. = lines (or verses) |
lang = language |
Lat = Latin |
law = legal (& jurisprudence term) |
Lesb. = Lesbian |
lex. = lexicon |
lexicogr = lexicography, lexicographical term |
ling = linguistics |
lit = literature; literary (term) |
lit& poet = literary and poetic |
liter = literal(ly) |
liter& fig = literally and figuratively |
Lith. = Lithuanian |
liturg = liturgy, liturgical |
LK = Late Koine |
LLat = Late Latin |
LM = Late Medieval |
LMG = Late Medieval Greek |
log = logic |
m = masculine (gender) |
Macedo-Roum. = Macedo-Roumanian |
math = mathematics |
me = member (of cpds) |
med = medicine, medical (term) |
mediev = medieval |
mediop = mediopassive |
metall = metalwork, metallurgy |
meteorol = meteorology |
meton = metonymy |
metr = metric |
mf = masculine & feminine |
MFr = Middle French |
MG = Middle or Medieval Greek, Byzantine Greek |
mi = middle voice |
microbiol = microbiology |
milit = military |
min = mining |
miner = mineralogy |
MLat = Medieval Latin |
mod = modern |
ModCypr = Modern Cyprian |
ModG = Modern Greek |
mus = music, musical (term) |
myth. = mythology |
N = North |
n = neuter (gender) |
naut = nautical |
navy = navy (term) |
NE = Northeast |
near-ant= near antonym, quasi-antonym |
near-syn= near synonym, quasi-synonym |
neg= negative, negation |
neol= neologism |
neut= neutral |
NIt = North Italian |
NLat = Neo Latin |
no. = north(ern) |
no. dial = northern dialect(al) |
no. dials = northern dialects |
nom= nominative (case) |
npl = nominative plural |
num= numeral |
O = Old |
o.s. = oneself |
OFr = Old French |
OIt = Old Italian |
obsol = obsolete |
obsolesc = obsolescent |
ocean. = oceanography |
o/p. = onomatopoeia, -poetic |
ophthalmol= ophthalmology |
origin. = original(ly) |
orn= ornithology |
OSl = Old Slavic |
paint. = painting |
paleogr= paleography |
pap = papyrus, papyri |
paretym= paretymological |
pass= passive |
pathol= pathology |
PatrG = Patristic Greek |
Peloponn.= Peloponnesus |
perh= perhaps |
pers-n= personal name |
pf= perfect (tense) |
pharm= pharmacology |
philol= philology |
philos = philosophy |
photogr = photography |
phr = phrase (s) |
phys = physics |
physiol= physiology |
pl= plural (number), pl used also for n pl and acc pl |
pl-n= place name |
poem= poem(s): the following citation(s) is (are) from poetry |
poet= poetic |
polit= politics |
poss= possessive |
postmed= postmedieval |
PostmedG = Postmedieval Greek |
ppf= perfect passive (tense) |
ppp = perfect passive participle |
pr or pres = present (tense) |
preced= preceding |
predic= predicate, predicative |
pref= prefix |
prehist= prehistory, prehistorical |
prep= preposition, prepositional |
prep phr = prepositional phrase |
priv. or privat. = privative, -ivum |
prob= probably |
pron= pronoun, pronominal |
pronunc= pronunciation |
proth= prothetic (vowel) |
prov = proverb |
prov phr = proverbial phrase |
prp = present participle |
prpp = present passive participle |
ps- = pseudo- |
psych = psychology |
pt = participle |
Ptolem. papyri = Ptolemaic papyri |
quote = quote, quotation |
quotes = quotes, quotations |
q.v. = quod vide, which see |
railw= railway, railroading |
re= with regard to, concerning |
redupl = reduplication |
region. = regional(ly), i.e. one or more regions |
relig= religion |
rhet= rhetoric |
Rom.= Romanic |
Rum = Rumanian |
Russ = Russian |
S = South (combined, e.g. SAmerica, SAfrica) |
s. = sub; see |
S or superl = superlative (degree) |
sc= scilicet, namely |
scit. = scientific term |
Sem= Semitic |
Serb = Serbian |
Serbo-Cr = Serbo-Croatian |
sg= singular |
short. = shortened |
Skt. = Sanskrit |
Sl= Slavic |
s.o. = someone |
sp. also = spelled also |
Span = Spanish |
SpanArab = Spanish Arabic |
spec= special |
specif= specifically |
specphr = special phrase(s) |
spur= spurious |
ss= substandard |
statist= statistics |
sth= something |
stockexch = stock exchange |
subd. =subdialect (parler), subdialectal |
subj= subjunctive (mood) |
subst = substantive |
substantiv = substantivized |
substit = substitution |
suff = suffix |
surg = surgery |
s.v. = sub voce |
s.vv. = sub vocibus |
syll. = syllable |
syn = synonym(s) |
synecd = synecdoche, by synecdoche |
synt = syntax |
technt. = technical term |
teleph= telephone |
termin= termination |
theat= theater |
theol= theology |
topogr= topography |
topon= toponym |
trans = transitive (verb) |
transl= translation |
ts= the same (meaning), idem |
Turk = Turkish |
tv= television |
typogr= typography |
US = United States of America |
usu= usual(ly) |
var= variant |
Ven = Venetian |
verbaladj = verbal adjective |
vet= veterinary |
voc= vocative |
W = West (e.g. WAfrica) |
w. = with |
weav= weaving |
widespread(e.g. widespread region) |
wireless= wireless, radio |
wr= written |
zoo= zoology, zoological (term) |
Τελευταία Ενημέρωση: 20 Οκτ 2009, 16:45