Epitome of the Kriaras Dictionary


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The Concise Dictionary covers volumes I-XIV of E. Kriaras’ Dictionary of Medieval Vulgar Greek Literature (1100-1669), from A - παραθήκη.
In its print form, the Dictionary of Medieval Vulgar Greek Literature has for many years been a valuable tool for students of Medieval Greek literature. However, the bulk and nature of such a work limited both its use and accessibility to university libraries and research centers. Its abridgement, undertaken by the KEG, was the appropriate solution to this problem. Kriaras’s own revisions to later volumes of the analytical Dictionary have been incorporated, and improvements introduced in the Concise Dictionary, while at the same time none of the essential elements of the analytical Dictionary are omitted. These revisions and improvements include: new readings from new editions of Medieval texts and the results of more recent research, particularly in the important area of word etymology.

The print Concise Dictionary has rendered the Kriaras Dictionary easy to use and accessible to a much larger audience, from specialist scholars to teachers and students. The electronic version makes it available to everyone from their own home. And in conjunction with the other online dictionaries available through the Portal for the Greek Language, it offers a great number of possibilities both for specialized research and for use in classroom teaching.

The digitization of the rest of the abridged work is expected to be completed simultaneously with the progressive editing of the analytical Dictionary of Medieval Vulgar Greek Literature.